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Backyard Spiderweb September 2020

When I sat outside in my backyard this morning I saw this spider's web that I just had to share with you. It's so neat and well formed, not like the spider and her web that I saw the other day. Her's was three dimensional but very sloppy.  This morning I saw no spider on this web. More photos are below: From a Different Angle A Soft Focus Bush in the Background  
(from net)  

3-D Spider's Web on Railing

  The spider's webs I see are flat but this day I saw a three dimensional web. Here are a few images I played with. He was not very neat!

What's Next?

  We have the unbelievably lethal covid-19, then violence in the streets.  What will happen next? These frightening times remind me of the move The Purge.

A Powerful Woman

National Dog Day

It was Yesterday but here's an article and video you may enjoy: NATIONAL DOG DAY National Dog Day on August 26th encourages dog ownership of all breeds. While seeking a new companion, be sure to consider the mutts, mixes, purebreds, and everything in between.  Whether mixed or purebred, embrace the opportunity for all dogs to live a happy, safe, and abuse-free life. They all give us companionship. Additionally, they keep us safe, and they aid those in need. Dogs play. Well, they play many roles in our lives, too! They keep us healthy, both physically and mentally. While many days aim to find loving homes for dogs, this day expands that consideration to look beyond the breed. Look into the heart of the animal. The purpose of the National Dog Day Foundation is to rescue 10,000 dogs each year.

Having Trouble With My Internet Connection

Lost phone, internet and TV. It was a short in one of my cable ports. Just got back on line. I'll be posting more often soon.  

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