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My Evergreen/Weed Transplant Died

Here you can see how I killed the transplant.  I must have damaged its roots. Another seedling planted itself in a flower pot this time.  Should I try to grow another transplant? 

Datura (Thorn Apple) Planted Itself !

This plant goes by the name Datura, Thorn Apple and others.  It planted itself in a pot meant for marigolds.  I feel very lucky.     It's a very poisonous plant. Below is a description from Wikipedia. All parts of  Datura  plants contain dangerous levels of the  tropane alkaloids atropine ,  hyoscyamine  and  scopolamine  which are classified as  deliriants , or anticholinergics . There is a high risk of fatal  overdose  amongst uninformed users, and many hospitalizations occur amongst recreational users who ingest the plant for its psychoactive effects. Datura  intoxication typically produces  delirium  (as contrasted to  hallucination );  hyperthermia ;  tachycardia ; bizarre behavior; and severe  mydriasis  with resultant painful  photophobia  that can last several days. Pronounced  amnesia  is another commonly reported effect.  The onset of symptoms generally occurs approximately 30 minutes to an hour after smoking the herb. These symptoms

Evergreen? Weed?

It was growing between the bricks of my front steps.  I'll have to see what happens.

Playing with My Camera and Editing

A Quiet Day

Bird Feeder Lit by Sunrise Buddies 

Spring 2014 #5

The Body as Hardware, the Mind as Software and the Soul as Self-Awareness

For some time now I've been thinking about spiritual reality.  Here are some of the ideas I've come across. Note: I'm not promoting any religious beliefs.  I'm just trying to understand.  Hardware : The body is expendable.  If I lose a limb I'm still me.  The same with a kidney or heart transplant.  Someday the technology may exist to allow a complete body transplant into a younger body or a cloned body; maybe even a mechanical android body.  But I will still be me riding the body like I drive a car.      Software : The mind also is not really me.  It's a set of instructions on how I operate my body, learn something new, solve problems.  I can observe this when I watch myself in a quiet situation like meditation.  The thoughts come and go on their own. Self-Awareness : Beyond the hardware of the body and the software of the mind is consciousness and consciousness of being conscious and so on infinitely.  Maybe this points to the soul,

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