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Two Quick Healthy Desserts

It was Sunday afternoon and I was in the mood for something sweet which was not too sugary.  I searched several websites and came up with these two easy to make deserts.  They don't involve any cooking skills but still taste great. Microwave "Baked" Apple Slices 1. Remove or cut around the core of the apple.  2. Slice and arrange the pieces on a microwave safe dish. 3. Add butter or margarine. 4. Sprinkle with cinnamon and whatever else you'd like. 5. Cover with plastic wrap and cook for about 4 minutes. Be careful, it will be very hot. Banana and Strawberry Slices 1. Just slice them and eat them together. But my banana was still green so I tried to ripen it by putting it in a toaster oven and baking it at the lowest setting for about an hour.  I got that idea from searching the web.   The banana started to get black on one side so I stopped heating it after about 30 minutes! But inside it was

Here's a Good Anatomy Site

I didn't explore the site in great detail but I'm putting it on my "LINKS" list at the bottom of the blog. Here's the link: Visit Inner Body

Grandson's First Christmas 2014

Magic Bubbles

While I was washing this juice bottle, I noticed the large bubbles.  It was a little strange because I always pictured bubbles as being spherical, or at least only flat on one side like a hemisphere.  These bubbles had straight sharp edges. The colors and shapes were like precious stones! It's okay to copy these images. I'd like you give me credit by linking to my site.


I haven't been posting lately because of a problem I'm having at the incision area of my spine operation.  It's called a p seudomeningocele which is cerebrospinal fluid leaking into a swelling near where the surgery started.    The surgeon's office instructed me to see a neurologist for the terrible headaches that it sometimes causes but the swelling should heal on its own. It seems to be getting larger and I can't put much weight on it like lying on my back in bed or leaning on my back while I sit. The neurologist referred me to neurosurgeon for advice but I haven't heard about it yet.  In the meantime he's doing nerve conduction tests on my legs for my drop-foot condition, which is not related to the  p seudomeningocele  The original operation for back pain and leg weakness was a success.  I'm able to walk without using walker or cane.  My back pain is gone. Now I'll have to get this new problem fixed.  But I'm still very

The Scotsman Who Won First Prize

I just had to share this video.   

Notes and Links About Being an Introvert

I consider myself to be an introvert.  I'm comfortable with this even though sometimes I wonder how it would be like to have a few close friends.  I'm not lonely.  I have my wife, daughter, grandson and  a small family. Maybe I'll have to get involved with some volunteer work.  Or is that using the volunteering for  ulterior purposes?  I'll have to look for something I truly believe in. Here's a link to my earlier post about being an introvert: Understanding the Introvert   Here are some ideas.  While copying from a few  interesting sites I lost some of the credits.  I hope they won't mind.      "Remember, introversion is not an all-or-nothing characteristic. People can be what you might call introverts with a capital I (aka "very introverted") or they might be outgoing in some situations with some introverted tendencies. Introversion exists on a continuum with extroversion, and most people tend to lie somewhere between the two.&qu

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