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My Hot Water Stinks!

I have a problem this week about my hot water smelling like rotten eggs.  Not all my hot water from the faucets smells bad. It's mostly in one of the bathrooms. The cold water is not affected so I know it's the hot water heater. Hydrogen Sulfide Luckily I bought a warranty. the water heater should be repaired or replaced later this month.  Here's a video about what I believe is the problem.

My Rollator Is Ready to Go

My rollator came in a box with only a few pieces to put together. Easy, right? But after I finished it was difficult to steer.  Either something was wrong or I only needed some practice. The next day my physical therapist was coming for a treatment session.  I'd ask her to have a look. To my embarrassment, I had the rear wheels in front and the front wheels in back!  She was very nice about it, told me men sometimes tend to put things together without carefully studying the directions. It glides very easily and is much faster than a wheelchair.  The physical therapist told me to take my time, not rush with it.  After a little practice I think I'll really like it.  It's like a seat on wheels with a small storage bag.

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A Few of My Old Photos

I Purchased a Rollator

Medline Ultra Lightweight Rollator This afternoon one of my physical therapists suggested I try a rollator instead of a walker.  I never heard of a rollator. It has four wheels, larger than the two wheels on a walker and two hand breaks.  The front wheels turn. It weighs only 11 pounds so it will be easy for Lynette to fold and put in the car. (I can't drive myself for a while.) She told me this was more stable and if I become woozy I can just rest on the built in seat.  It also has a storage area under the seat. At home I'll use my wheelchair until my balance gets better but I can try the rollator to go shopping or eat out. I bought it online from Walmart with free two day delivery.  It should arrive on Friday.  Wish me luck.

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