Simulated Reality I came across this idea a short while ago and began to wonder if it actually can be true. Are we living in a simulated world? Is what we experience only a representation of reality and not the original thing? Sometimes a person can find small errors in the simulation that are corrected or that are left as is. An example that I had many years ago: My daughter took a bus to visit us one day and I offered her some of my orange flavored Tic Tac candy. She told me a man on the bus she just left also offered her some orange flavored Tic Tacs. Was it only a coincidence? Another example: At 911 I'm sure I saw on TV the terrorist planes as they crashed into the World Trade Center buildings. Later I learned the event was not shown on TV at the time I saw it. Was it only a video I was confused about? The Monopoly game man is a common example experienced by many people. He never had a monocle. Anyway here's a video that explains it much better: Do you have any experiences
How They Do Chase Scenes
This video touts itself as following the evolution of chase scenes over 100
years, but it's mostly concerned with the second half of that span, from
3 hours ago