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Bedbugs and . . . (a music video)

Gnarls Barkley "Gone Daddy Gone"

Romantic Train Ride

This clip gives me goosebumps every time.  I love Billy Holiday's voice. Let me know what you think.  I trimmed it from a perfume commercial.

How I Get "Organized" (Part One)

Just last night I was looking for some notes, news clippings, leaflets anything having to do with retirement. As I do with my other papers, whenever I find anything of interest I skim it and file it away believing that someday I'll use it. I knew I'd put the retirement papers somewhere but I just could not remember where. I checked my files. In the folder labeled with a dollar sign "$" there was everything of a financial nature except for retirement. There was no folder labeled "Retirement". Then I remembered a large loose leaf binder I bought a few years ago at Staples: On the cover: "Better Binder, Flexible Spine, Lasting performance, Ultra flexible design, Our most durable binder."  I was so impressed I bought it with much enthusiasm. I knew I'd find something to put in it once I got home. Back at home after playing with the binder for 5 or 10 minutes I filed it on a shelf somewhere happy that if ever I should need one I'd have t

How I Get Organized (Part Two)

In my last post I wrote about how difficult it was for me to find some important information about retirement that I filed somewhere but forgot where. In frustration I imagined giving a class called: "How to Organize Your Life" "Now class pay attention to the 5 cardinal rules to organize anything in your life: First : Never put anything back in the same place where you found it. Second : If something is empty (like folders, papers, empty tissue boxes...) put it back where you found it without making a note or telling anyone. Third : Never put a label on anything you own. Fourth : Every so often go back over your possessions and shuffle them around a bit. Fifth : When possible use the four rules above to "organize" your wife's or friend's things.

How I Get Organized (Part Three)

The other day I sat at my desk overflowing with scraps of paper, bills, notes... My mood was at a deep low. How was I going to get my life together? It was all just too much to handle! If I could only find a book to guide me I'd be on my way. Then I remembered buying a book or two about getting organized but I had no idea where I'd put them. I was sure that if only I sat down and forced myself to study the books; written by supposed experts, my problems would be solved. I decided to search my house to find the books if they were still there. If I'd not put them in the trash years ago. I spent about 2 hours locating the books. After finding the first two books I had a feeling there might be more so I continued my search. After another hour I found 3 more books. A total of 5 books! Now 2 of the books looked familiar even though I had no idea what was in them. I was certain the other 3 books were not mine. I wondered if my wife bought them, sort of like a subtle hint t

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