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Break-Dancing ~ Russian Army Dancing

Surfing the web, I found a video of the Russian army soldiers' dance.  Parts of the dance look just like break dancing to me. So, I looked for 3 videos.  One is of the original Russian dance.  The second is of a break-dance.  The third is of the Russian dance set to break dance music.  Let me know what you think. Here's the trio: 1. This first video is a little fuzzy because it's so old. 2. Some of the break dancing moves are different but some are very close to the Russian dance. 3. I believe that some of the Russian dance moves are more difficult than the break dancing moves. Jumping Squatting 

The All Knowing Dai Sai

Dai Sai (English spelling: "They Say") It's hard for me to believe it when someone tells me something like: "They say it's not good to answer the phone.  You should let the person leave a message then call him back." "They say it's going to be a hot Summer." "They say it's not good to put all your money into one bank." Some of the sayings seem true.  Some are ridiculous. It sounds like there is a wise old man named "Dai Sai" who knows everything. I have to confess that I'm guilty of doing it too. When my wife says it, I ask her who is this "Dai Sai"?  How does he know all this information is true? "I saw it on the internet."  "I heard it on TV."  "My brother told me he heard it somewhere." I mean this is an unfounded belief from an unknown source.  Sometimes they quote a poorly done scientific study. Something like too few subjects, who know how they are

Sunflowers Blooming July 2015

Our sunflowers grew extra tall then began to bloom.  They don't turn to face the sun though.  Maybe it's the variety of sunflower plant. The stems are thicker than I thought they would be.  They must be strong enough to hold the plant up. This intricate swirling detail follows a mathematical rule.  Here's a video I found that best explains it. AMAZING! This bug seems to be checking out the mathematical details.

Clowns Can Be Scary!

Even without their masks! The clown from the classical Italian opera Pagliacci  Try full screen to better see the details. Here is a video from the TV series American Horror. It's scarier if you go full screen and turn up the sound. I found this sexy but scary clown.   I don't think it would be safe to go out on a date with her.

Terrarium, Sunflowers & Mystery Plant

My terrarium is complete even though one plant is sort of too big.  There's a small Ivy in the back and it should spread out so it will be easier to see.  I wanted a third plant but I wasn't sure if could fit it in. The Sunflowers are now taller than I am.  They look almost 7 feet tall.  There are no flowers yet but you can see where some of them are getting ready to bloom.   This "mystery plant" is still alive, even after I had to plant it back into the pot with the flowers my wife planted.  She almost threw it away.  But its only about two inches tall and hard to see, so I can't blame her. It looks like it might be a pine tree.  Maybe it's just a weed.  I'll have to wait and see.

I Love This Quote!

From My Mulberry days...          Blog Link:  My Mulberry days..-

The Blue Whale is Largest Animal Ever

Yesterday I learned that the Blue Whale is the largest animal that ever existed. It's even larger than the dinosaurs! This fascinates me.  I always believed the dinosaurs where tremendously larger than anything that ever existed but I was wrong. Here are two comparison images: Notice how small Tyrannosaurus Rex is in comparison.  Even the Brontosaurus is smaller! Here you can see how the Brontosaurus is almost the same length but the Blue Whale more massive. From BBC: "Dwarfed by the vast expanse of the open ocean, the biggest animal that has ever lived on our planet: a blue whale. Thirty metres long and weighing over 200 tonnes, it's far bigger than even the biggest dinosaur. Its tongue weighs as much as an elephant, its heart is the size of a car and some of its blood vessels are so wide you could swim down them. Its tail alone is the width of a small aircraft's wings. Its streamlining, close to perfection, enables it to cruise at 20 knots - on

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