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My Refrigerator Water Drip Tray Mess

Corroded It fits right under the ice cube/water dispenser. It's where you place your glass to fill it with ice cubs or water. I soaked it in vinegar overnight. It's clean but the finish is partly gone. It still looks bad. I phoned GE for a replacement and the price for a new tray is $60.02! 😧  What? They offered me a special deal price of $49.41.❌ I'm not sure what to do next. At Loews they had nothing to replace it.  I'm thinking of going to Hobby Lobby to see if they have any ideas.  Maybe they haves some sort of silver waterproof paint that will stick to plastic. After spending all that money on the refrigerator you'd think they'd use metal, not plastic. Have any of you had a similar problem? Do you have any ideas?


(from web, Jana)

Don't Forget Your Old Shipmate

I thought about my brother Anthony the other day.  He doesn't live nearby so we only see  each other about once a year.  We don't call each other as often as we should but we still  are brothers. Sometimes this old sea chantey reminds me of the two of us, not as sailors  but as having so many similar life experiences, especially as kids.  I'm not sure how "safe  and sound" life is now  but we made it!  Here are links to YouTube: This one has nice views of sailing ships and sailors. This link has the lyrics to the song.

National Pistachio Day

I think pistachio ice cream tastes a lot like almonds.  Even so I like the flavor and chewing on the pistachios. Do you taste the almond flavor? I wonder how it would taste with only pistachios. It does have almond extract in it. Here's a recipe: Pistachio Ice Cream recipe | From the website:


The Mouse

Here is a thirty thee minute audio recording of a short story I somehow found by accident. I did not intend to listen to it and was a bit impatient but once I heard part of it I could not stop.

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