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A Wild Squatter in Our Home

Photo is from web.

 This past week we heard footsteps and loud jumping noises coming from our attic. I thought it could be a mouse or rat but the sound was too heavy. It was like a disco party!

I watched his daily routine: sleep quietly all night, run and jump during the day. There were loud random landings. Then it ran outside for food and water. Then it came back inside for some more noise before going to sleep.

We called a pest control company to have a look and remove the animal. He started by looking at the house from the outside. After only a few minutes he came back in laughing.  He saw a squirrel looking back out at him from inside the attic. He said it was something he had never seen before and he would be back in a few days with a "One Way Door" so the animal could be safely removed and never get back in again.    

Here is another video:

Wish me luck.


  1. Good luck, John. those squirrels are cleaver little devils. Now that the squirrels are gone, the holes need to be blocked.

    1. I found the hole. Now I have to have it fixed. It's too high for me!

  2. Oh, that's bad news to have a squirrel in the attic. They can do a lot of damage. Good luck to the pest control company -- may they get rid of him and ensure he (and his many friends, no doubt) never return!

    1. Thank you Debra. From down on the first floor it sounds like it definitely is more than one.

  3. I guess he thought he/she had a good home. Noisy creature I bet.
    Good luck with the removal.

    1. I like to watch them run, dig, climb trees, and chase each other. But they must be outside.


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