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I wondered what SOS stands for and found some interesting information. "Beginning in 1836, the American artist  Samuel F. B. Morse , the American  physicist   Joseph Henry , and  Alfred Vail   developed an  electrical telegraph  system. This system sent pulses of  electric current  along wires which controlled an  electromagnet  that was located at the receiving end of the telegraph system. A code was needed to transmit natural language using only these pulses, and the silence between them. Morse therefore developed the forerunner to modern International Morse code." ~Wikipedia Samuel F. B. Morse "At the second Berlin Radiotelegraphic Conference 1906, the subject of a danger signal was again addressed. Considerable discussion ensued and finally SOS was adopted. The thinking was that three dots, three dashes and three dots could not be misinterpreted.  It was to be sent together as one string." ~ Wireless Telegrap

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