Simulated Reality I came across this idea a short while ago and began to wonder if it actually can be true. Are we living in a simulated world? Is what we experience only a representation of reality and not the original thing? Sometimes a person can find small errors in the simulation that are corrected or that are left as is. An example that I had many years ago: My daughter took a bus to visit us one day and I offered her some of my orange flavored Tic Tac candy. She told me a man on the bus she just left also offered her some orange flavored Tic Tacs. Was it only a coincidence? Another example: At 911 I'm sure I saw on TV the terrorist planes as they crashed into the World Trade Center buildings. Later I learned the event was not shown on TV at the time I saw it. Was it only a video I was confused about? The Monopoly game man is a common example experienced by many people. He never had a monocle. Anyway here's a video that explains it much better: Do you have any experiences...
My garden daffs and the shocking pink flamingo baking measures I bought in
The American’s have a good word for jobs.
There are chores to be done....
52 minutes ago