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Renewing My Mini Vegetable Garden

Each year I plant a small four foot by four foot vegetable garden.  This year I'm squeezing 4 tomato plants (hopefully 4 different varieties) and about 6 cucumber plants into this small area. I know it's less room than recommended but I always do it. In the past the deer used it for a "salad bar". I tried a mini electrified fence which worked but the orange extension cord  looked out of place. The chance that it would be run over by a lawn mower if I did not disconnect it in time was not worth the risk. I tried metal chicken wire strung out into a 4x4x4 cube. The cube turned into a dented box. It looked terrible. Now I'm trying a four sided design. Two sides are fixed and two sides are removable. If needed I'll put a soft plastic net over the top at night when the plants grow high. Here is the layout. I've weeded three out of the four quarters. The pile of weeds is to the right bottom of the photo.  While weeding the last quarter I notic

Last Snowfall of 2013

These images were edited from photos I took earlier this week. Now I'm looking forward to Spring weather. 

Bottle Still Life Tryout

I'm having a good time playing with my camera and various editing programs.

Weekend Gardner Website

I just found a website with great gardening advice. It also includes houseplants. It's called: The link is on my sidebar: Gardening Tips and Advice- Weekend Gardener Web Magazine As an example here is the list of contents for growing tomatoes: Tomato Link: Growing Tomatoes, Tomato Growing Tips

Houseplants that Work as Living Air Purifiers

My daughter Laurissa sent me the link to an interesting article about the health benefits of houseplants.. From the article: " In recent years, scientists at NASA and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA) have discovered that there are various houseplants that keep our household air clean and pure and balance indoor humidity. Not only do these plants absorb pollutants, they also scrub harmful gases out of the air and help fight pollution." Read more at:  

A Few Quotes

"Show me a sane man  and I'll cure him for you". -Carl G Jung "Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end." - Scott Adams "Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains,  at the huge waves of the sea,  at the long courses of the rivers,  at the vast compass of the ocean,  at the circular motions of the stars,  and they pass by themselves without wondering." - Saint Augustine

A Gloomy Railroad Crossing

I found this view with spiderweb-like wires going in a two directional perspective. The pole at the far left seems to be supported by the wires instead of supporting them. Here is a full color image which appears almost all black and white. The truck stop sign and red traffic light stand out. Here is another color image, mostly black and white with the yellow traffic lights glowing.  This would make a great scene for a mystery, thriller or horror story: The Olde Stone Truck Stop

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