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My First Tomato of 2013

It looks so inviting! On the vine. But when I turned it over it had a black spot.  Inside, most of it was also black.  I cut away the small good area to have a taste.  It was delicious! I've read that this could be due to a calcium deficiency but the timed released vegetable fertilizer contains calcium. Maybe it's due to being pressed against the nearby vine.  Hopefully the next tomato that ripens will turn out better. 

A Peaceful Moment With Wind Chimes

Vegetable Garden Progress June 2013

The tomatoes are getting tall, outgrowing their net! Here's a closeup of one of my cucumber plants. You can see a baby cucumber beginning to form.

The Maid of Amsterdam

Hummingbird with Robin Singing in the Background

This is the first time I've tried to upload a video from my own camera!  I wish my hands were not so unsteady.

My Mom & Dad

This is on the back of the photo. It's in Italian.  I can only make out a few words: _____this photograph____ _____see how beautiful____the sea? _____me and_____Laura (my mother's name)

The First Day of Summer 2013

I have some tiny green tomatoes already!  This year the tomato plants are the best ever. I have a small garden.  It's enough for me. Here are some cucumber blossoms. I planted four pots of sweet basil.  It's one of my favorite herbs.

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