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Don't Be Afraid of the Dark!

The other night I watched one of the most frightening movies I've seen in a long time.  It's a little early for Halloween.  The creatures collect human teeth; sort of monster tooth fairies. I watched it on Netflix.  They are small, about the size of rats. But that just makes them even more threatening. Here is the trailer.  Turn up the volume and go full screen for best results:

Haunted by Goblins

Objects disappearing then reappearing again in the same or a different location. It’s as if some invisible creature moves things around to watch my frustration as I search for what it took. The other day my wife bought a bottle of hair dye. When she came home the bottle was gone. I helped her look for it. It wasn't in the car or on the lawn or anywhere. It was a goblin who took it. Two days later we found the hair dye bottle in the refrigerator! Sometimes it’s my keys, a wallet, a bill or anything. I know the logical explanation is that I forgot where I put them, but I know better. I’ll have to keep watching for them until someday I catch one in the act. The problem is that if I do manage to catch the creature it will probably scare me to death. Maybe I should just learn to live with it. That’s the safest way to go. I’ll take the blame and say I forgot or lost the item myself. Goblins are evil, mischievous, constantly annoying creatures. Only a few inches tall the

Halloween Week

Scroll down for the newest Halloween post!


Three Stone Images

These images are from a very interesting blog: Here is the link:  Home     This is my favorite!

Trailers from Past Horror Movies

Here are trailers from some of my wife Lynette's favorite old time horror movies. They're tame by today's standards. Sometimes I get a good laugh. Mad Love (1935) The Uninvited 1944 The Haunting is good! The Haunting 1963

Reflection from the Plastic Cover on an Empty Canvas

I saw this reflection on the plastic cover of the canvas as I entered the room.  It was as if it had painted itself! Here are two closer images: I had some fun editing the image.  A final framed version:

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