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My First Two WeRelate Genealogy Pages

These pages are not complete. I want to put in some biographical information. Then I'll add whatever I can find to make a family tree.  I'll have to work with a small family.  My parents are no longer living.  I never met my grandparents. Before the 1900's my family roots go back to Italy. I'll add pages from whatever I know about the family even if it's only their first and last names; maybe where they lived.   My parents were married here: Minturno, Latina, Lazio I know that the further back in time I go the results will be less reliable. Putting in the references from birth, death and marriage certificates will be proof that the information is valid. Maybe I'll get lucky and find someone from the family looking for any information I might have.

I'm Trying an On-Line Genealogy Program Called WeRelate

Why I'm going to try WeRelate: It's free. I don't want to get into a subscription service like It works like wiki;   a website that allows editing of its content by its users. I hope I can find distant relatives working on their genealogy so we can exchange information.  This is what could make the website useful. The information is saved as a webpage.  This should be safer than having it on my PC because I can use any PC to find it. But I wonder if letting my family history be out on the web will  jeopardize my privacy.  I'm not publishing my social security number, bank accounts, etc. I'm not a celebrity.  It should be safe.    I found this on the Gizmo freeware website. Here's a video explaining how it works: The link: So far I'm still learning to use this wiki website. It's more difficult than I expected. I'll let you know how it works out.  I'm

Mr. Hublot

"Last night, the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film went to  Mr. Hublot , which is now available online. Set in a mechanical world,  Mr. Hublot  follows a man with OCD who brings a robot puppy into his life. Laurent Witz wrote and directed the award-winning short, which manages to transport us fully to its world of factories and gears while maintaining a strong emotional core. It's easy to see what made it Oscar-worthy." (From the i09 website)

What are numbers?

Ideas and images from a post on the "i09" weblog   8 Great Philosophical Questions That We'll Never Solve I found a post titled "8 Great Philosophical Questions That We'll Never Solve" It was from the i09 weblog. I decided to share my ideas about these questions. Let me know what you think. 8 Great Philosophical Questions That We'll Never Solve - StumbleUpon "Mathematical structures can consist of numbers, sets, groups, and points — but are they real objects, or do they simply describe relationships that necessarily exist in all structures?"  I think that numbers only describe what is "real" and have no real existence outside of our minds.

What Is the Best Moral System

Ideas and images from a post on the "i09" weblog   8 Great Philosophical Questions That We'll Never Solve I found a post titled "8 Great Philosophical Questions That We'll Never Solve" It was from the i09 weblog. I decided to share my ideas about these questions. Let me know what you think. "The Golden Rule is great (the idea that you should treat others as you would like them to treat you), but it disregards moral autonomy and leaves no room for the imposition of justice (such as jailing criminals)," I'm not sure what would be the right thing to do in the illustration above.  Maybe the best action would be to save a group of people while letting one person die.   But what if the relatives are evil? What if you could not live without your true love?  Would this be self-preservation?

Can You Really Experience Anything Objectively?

Ideas and images from a post on the "i09" weblog   8 Great Philosophical Questions That We'll Never Solve I found a post titled "8 Great Philosophical Questions That We'll Never Solve" It was from the i09 weblog. I decided to share my ideas about these questions. Let me know what you think. "Another way of saying all this is that the universe can only be observed through a brain (or potentially a machine mind), and by virtue of that, can only be interpreted subjectively." "Everything you know, everything you've touched, seen, and smelled, has been filtered through any number of physiological and cognitive processes."   Maybe this is why we use a jury of 12 people or  Having a majority in congress agree before a law is passed.

Is There Life After Death?

Ideas and images from a post on the "i09" weblog   8 Great Philosophical Questions That We'll Never Solve I found a post titled "8 Great Philosophical Questions That We'll Never Solve" It was from the i09 weblog. I decided to share my ideas about these questions. Let me know what you think. "Materialists assume that there's no life after death, but it's just that — an assumption that cannot necessarily be proven." "... there's no reason to believe that we only have one shot at this thing called life."   I believe this is a matter of faith, not logic.   I've heard of uploading a person's soul into the internet; continuing life after death by surfing the "web world".  I've heard of moving the soul into a new artificial body.  Just like replacing a leg or hand with a manufactured body part; the soul would be transferred from the dying body into a new body. 

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