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Desiderata Copy with Faded Writing

While looking through some old boxes, putting things in order, I found this old copy of the Desiderata. " Desiderata  (Latin: "desired things") is a 1927  prose poem  by American writer  Max Ehrmann . Largely unknown in the author's lifetime, the text became widely known after its use in a devotional and after spoken-word recordings in 1971 and 1972."     ~Wikipedia It must have made a strong impression on me because it's been in the box for over 30 years.  It still has great meaning for me. Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for


Forced to Replant My Baby "Tree"

Yesterday my wife Lynette planted flowers in the pot I had planted my baby tree. I found it on the ground before she could sweep it away and planted it back in the flower pot.  I hope it still has a chance.

A Baby Tree?

I found this plant growing in one of my empty pots.  Last year I found the same type of plant growing in a crack between the bricks of my front stoop.  I made the mistake of trying to transplant it into a pot.  It wilted and died. Notice the three clover plants in the background on the right side.  I didn't notice them until I transferred the photo to this post.  They'er beautiful. The plant is only about two and a half inches tall. This time I'm going to leave it alone and see what happens.

Sunflower Plants 2015

Usually I plant tomatoes, sometimes zucchini and cucumbers.  This year just after my back surgery for the second time and spending the month of March in the hospital with acute respiratory failure, meningitis, anemia, etc.; I was just not up to gardening.  Hopefully next year will be different. My wife Lynette planted sunflower seeds to fill up the empty space in the vegetable garden.  At first the birds would eat the seeds as soon as she planted them.  So she used a wire screen to cover the ground until the plants sprouted. I'll write a post when they bloom.

Backyard Concrete Table and Chairs

We don't sit there anymore; not sure why.  Someday I'll have to use them again.  They look good under the trees. Here's a handsome spider outside my back door.  I wonder if it's poisonous.


I woke at 6 AM today without the alarm. Usually I get up at 7:30.  This makes it 6 and a half hours of sleep instead of the usual 8 hours. Falling asleep is no problem for me and I take a half hour nap in the afternoon. To decide if I should always get up at 6 AM or go back to getting up at 7:30; I checked  the web for information. On the the web I found this table: Eight hours seems to be a midpoint.  Now if I set the alarm to 7 AM I'll get 7 and a half hours of sleep.  If I set it at 7:30 I'll get 8 hours. I'm going to leave the alarm set to 7:30 but if I get up before the alarm I'll stay up.  This will make it 8 hours or less sleep. Sometimes I get a little compulsive.

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