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Miles' Day Out

Our grandson is quickly growing up.  I can't wait to see him for Christmas. This is a video from another day.

Earth Seems to Be "Rising" Over Moon

I want to share this photo I found today on the NASA site. Though the “earth rise” evokes the sunrise that we’re all familiar with here on Earth, you’d never see this type of image if you were actually standing on the moon (as opposed to orbiting around the moon, like the LRO). “Viewed from the lunar surface, the Earth never rises or sets,” Arizona State University’s Mark Robinson said in the NASA release. “Since the moon is tidally locked, Earth is always in the same spot above the horizon, varying only a small amount with the slight wobble of the moon.” From:  Gorgeous New NASA Image Shows Earth 'Rising' Over The Moon

Week Before Christmas 2015

Behind the Holly Tree in the Fog

My Brother Has Spinal Stenosis

Sad to say but my brother just found out he has a spinal stenosis.  He's suffering and will continue getting treatments. The narcotics help a little but he still finds it hard to move.  He told me he lost his balance and almost fell out his window.  Grabbing on to the bureau saved him. This is just in time for Christmas! I hope and pray he will be better soon.

Healthy Weight for Seniors

BMI = Body Mass Index  is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. I recently read that a slightly heavier weight for seniors is still healthy.  Here's one explanation from Living Strong: Body Composition "As you age, you lose muscle mass. It's called sarcopenia, and as muscle mass decreases, fat tissue centralizes, filling in the gaps, so to speak. You also tend to store more fat as age progresses, thus maintaining steady or slightly increasing weight. Sarcopenia in obese elderly patients is associated with functional impairment and disability, so the upper ranges of BMI indicating obesity may indicate poor health outcomes in seniors as well as younger adults. That suggests that an ideal weight range for seniors is somewhere between the upper limit for good health for younger adults and the obesity range that is detrimental to patients of all ages. The Yale study concludes that 27, and not 25, should perhaps be the ideal upper limit for BMI in older pe

Tea: Bags or Loose?

I usually use tea bags because they're easy and fast with almost no cleanup. Sometimes I play around with loose tea.  The quality is supposed to be better. I've heard that the price per cup is cheaper. I like Tazo English Breakfast tea bags.  There's more tea in each bag and it makes a strong cup of tea. Bigelow has a nice variety.  The English Breakfast tea is not as strong.  They have an American Breakfast tea with more caffeine and stronger flavor. The Earl Grey tea is made with bergamot oil which is much better than the bergamot "flavor" that Twinings uses. Bergamot Fruit from Calabria Italy I have to admit that playing with loose tea is fun.  I use a frog tea infuser. I put sugar and milk in my tea except for green teas. Now I'm using Twining's Irish Breakfast loose tea.  But I need more tea leaves to make it stronger. In the supermarkets near me I can only find Twining and Lipton loose tea.  I don't like Lipton t

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