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This Medication Costs Too Much

I've been using the drug samples my doctor gave me.  The medication makes me feel tired and in a low mood most of the day.  I still do what I used to do but I need a short nap almost every day. I asked the pharmacist for only a fifteen day supply to make sure it agreed with me before buying a month's worth.  It was not something they usually stocked so I had my wife Lynette bring me back a few days later.  I still had some of the samples from the doctor. "Vimpat" is the name of the medication for seizures. For a fifteen day supply the price is $387, and that's with my insurance!  It would be almost $800 for a month's supply. The pharmacy aide asked if I still wanted to buy it.  I did not buy it. I left a message with my doctor's office.  There must be another medication that's affordable, maybe with milder side effects. The problem now is how will I taper off this medication and start on the new.  I have enough for five more da

Adult Playmates and Side Effects

Some funny videos that make light of a few diseases.  I begin to wonder if the cure is worse than the disease when the possible side effects are listed. Hopefully the side effects are very rare.

Image Explained from 1/15/17

NERVE SYNAPSE The Image from the 1/15/17 post. Here are 3 videos to explain how it works.  The videos get more involved as you go down the page. This last video explains a little about the way it affect how we feel and act; also some street drugs.

This Week's Image

What Is This? I'll show you in my next post.  Here are some hints:

Spinning Floating Ice

It's perfectly round! I don't remember ever seeing anything like this! (from the MSN weather site.)


Empty Nest

These photos are from my backyard.

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