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To-Do List or Calendar or Both or What?

I admit being a little obsessive about getting organized. Sometimes I spend more time getting organized than in actually doing much. Why? I fear missing out on something. I fear something harmful may happen if I'm not prepared. From Lost At Sea by Skye Taylor I want to have control of my life but I believe that only about 30% is actually under a person's control.  Most of life is like being at sea in a small sailboat tossed around by winds and waves. I want to avoid complications and confusion. But too much organizing will result in complication and confusion. Yet I find it in a way to be soothing even enjoyable. Maybe it's calming my anxiety by distracting me? It's possible that so much effort and time is a waste. Time spent organizing is time spent not enjoying the present moment. Any ideas about my "anxiety"? How do you get organized?

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