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Old Shots of Our Pet Dogs

Unedited photo of York, my son-in-law's and daughter's dog. Never mind red eye, have you ever seen yellow and blue eyes? I showed these photos and video before but a while ago in different posts.  I had my four hour IVIG treatment yesterday for my CIDP condition, so maybe that's why I couldn't come up with anything new.  (If interested in the details please check the web.  I have foot drop so it's not as bad as it might have been)   Barkus was my pet Golden Retriever.  He'd love to sleep all day if he could. He had a thyroid problem.  Before him I had a more active darker Golden Retriever called Kringle.  They both past away. Tonight I can't find a photo of Kringle. Sometimes I get so "organized" that I can't find anything.  Miles with Artic, who replaced York. Here's a cute video about how a dog can lift your spirits.

Quick Lazy Way to Slow Cook Chicken

My substitution for the recipe below is to add the chicken, potatoes and carrots. But instead of adding the herbs, oil, spices, etc.; I only added Honey Mustard Salad Dressing.  The results were fantastic! Instead I only used: Chicken Potatoes Carrots Honey Mustard Salad Dressing I might try other salad dressings someday. Do you have a way to prevent the dish from becoming a bit too soggy? Do you have any quick lazy recipes you'd like to share? 

This Week's Image

All I Want Is You

I just saw this wonderful movie Juno  about a young girl who becomes pregnant and has to deal with the problems that it causes. Anyway, here's a song from the movie. This video shows the lyrics with a cute cartoon. Oh no! Guess what? A one man band!

A Quiet Wednesday

While eating breakfast I looked at my plans for the day.  There was probably too much to do today, nothing fantastic mostly just the ordinary chores. I made good progress in straightening out the laundry room.  My plan is to break the work up into thirty minutes a day.  After a month it should be great. While riding my exercise bike I watched the old movie The Third Man.  I only use the bike for about forty minutes and the movie is long so it will take about three days to watch it all.  It's a very interesting plot with great angled views and a need to pay close attention. Lynette called me in the middle of my routine because she saw six wild turkeys walking across our backyard.  When I got to the back door there were only four of them left, moving too quickly before I could grab my camera. Later I sat back in a chair, my mind lost in thought.  I felt a little sad but no big deal, probably just tired.  The first photo and the last show the pictures I took just for t

This Week's Image

She will spin in a moment.

To-Do List or Calendar or Both or What?

I admit being a little obsessive about getting organized. Sometimes I spend more time getting organized than in actually doing much. Why? I fear missing out on something. I fear something harmful may happen if I'm not prepared. From Lost At Sea by Skye Taylor I want to have control of my life but I believe that only about 30% is actually under a person's control.  Most of life is like being at sea in a small sailboat tossed around by winds and waves. I want to avoid complications and confusion. But too much organizing will result in complication and confusion. Yet I find it in a way to be soothing even enjoyable. Maybe it's calming my anxiety by distracting me? It's possible that so much effort and time is a waste. Time spent organizing is time spent not enjoying the present moment. Any ideas about my "anxiety"? How do you get organized?

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