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Mystery Man

As a hobby I do a little Family-Tree type genealogy and I came across this old photo.  It's not my father but the family resemblance from my father is there.  I look different because of the effects of my mother's and grandmother's genetic influence. I think he's one of the grandfathers I never met. Here's an extra large view: Here's the back.  I can't make out the writing but I can see a few Italian words. Some blue numbers are written over part of it. Here's an extra large view: Some of the words I think : "Hope that...true..." Mt guess on the numbers on the back: 500, 1072, 1011, 1010 Could it somehow be a phone number? I don't think it's some coded message. It was written upside down over the letters with a thicker pen and different ink. I'm considering having it restored by a professional.  Some sites can do it from an uploaded photo.  That way the original will always be wi

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