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This Week's Image

Tomato, Olive Oil, Basil and Mozzarella

My garden tomatoes taste great! Sliced Italian bread makes it even better. I have some of the sandwich with fresh basil and some without. Soaked in olive oil adds the final touch. These slightly different photos make me hungry.

Evey and Her Brother Miles

Evey is tucked in, nice and neat. Miles came down for a rough landing. Asleep Together

Granddaughter Evey

Looks like she's exercising, while the dog stands by. In this video her mother called her "My Little Conductor".

This Week's Image

Mystery Man

As a hobby I do a little Family-Tree type genealogy and I came across this old photo.  It's not my father but the family resemblance from my father is there.  I look different because of the effects of my mother's and grandmother's genetic influence. I think he's one of the grandfathers I never met. Here's an extra large view: Here's the back.  I can't make out the writing but I can see a few Italian words. Some blue numbers are written over part of it. Here's an extra large view: Some of the words I think : "Hope that...true..." Mt guess on the numbers on the back: 500, 1072, 1011, 1010 Could it somehow be a phone number? I don't think it's some coded message. It was written upside down over the letters with a thicker pen and different ink. I'm considering having it restored by a professional.  Some sites can do it from an uploaded photo.  That way the original will always be wi

Upscale Tricycle & ...

This must be a limited edition. I rode a tricycle like this for a summer job with Good Humor Ice Cream. That's not me in the photo. Safety First! Playing with her extra large friend. Dream-cycle 😊

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