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Reality? Coincidence? Synchronicity?

I believe coincidences are not purely determined by luck.  There is somehow a connection between events, a sort of energy-like force.  Maybe not electromagnetic or gravitational or kinetic but still something real has to be involved.  It can't be something imaginary or something we just never noticed before. When my daughter came to visit us once she took a bus and a man on the bus offered her some orange flavored Tic Tacks. That day just before she arrived I purchased a box of orange flavored Tic Tacks! When my daughter was living in Brooklyn, Brooklyn was frequently in the news. When she moved to New Jersey, New Jersey was often in the news.  Sometimes I think about someone just before they call. I can say a word and a person on TV says the same word an instant later! These "coincidences" are actually synchronicities: " the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection".   Here are a few quotes

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