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Showing posts from August 31, 2013

Georgia Font

These are the fonts available for my blog. This line is the default font. If I use the bold setting (as in this line) it makes no difference in the appearance.  Italic shows up like this. The Arial font of this sentence must be the default because it looks the same. Courier is definitely different. It looks like the text of an old fashioned typewriter! It's a bit fainter. The bold print is not any "bolder" for any of these fonts. It must be set up that way by my blog template.  I like the Georgia font best. The italic is even better.  It seems  more personal to me, like an easier to read script. Helvetica seems almost the same as Arial! The italic is different. Times  is the smallest here. Italic is also small.   Trebuchet is okay. The italic is a little different.  Verdana is not bad. It's the largest. Here is the italic. Now I'm printing the rest of this post in Georgia italic. I wonder if I can get more fonts by somehow going to

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