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I Found This Fun Looking Dance from India

 Bhangra today

Bhangra connects to a much deeper set of masculine values. Most of these values are set through labor, industry and self-sufficiency in agriculture, loyalty, independence and bravery in personal, political and military endeavors; and the development and expression of virility, vigor, and honor are common themes. Bhangra referred both to formal male performances and to communal dancing among men and women. In the past 30 years, bhangra has been established all over the world. It has become integrated into popular Asian culture after being mixed with hip hop, house and reggae styles of music. Certain bhangra moves have been adapted and changed over time but at its core remains a sense of cultural identity and tradition. We see bhangra take place mainly in the Punjabi culture. Many people tend to showcase bhangra as a source of joy and entertainment at weddings, parties, and all sorts of celebrations.

Many people also do bhangra as a source of exercise, it is an excellent substitution to the gym. Traditionally, bhangra is danced by men but now we see both men and women participating in this dance form. With bhangra competitions all over the world, we see all sorts of people competing in these events.


Take care,



  1. I love bhangra dancing -- it is so joyful! I should clarify that I love WATCHING bhangra dancing -- I don't have the stamina to do it myself, LOL!

  2. i enjoyed this post dear john :)

    yes bhungra is so famous even in Punjab we have here ,yes when partition of subcontinent happened a huge part of Punjab became pat of Pakistan . Punjab has very brave and passionate population and bhangra is popular part of their other kind of dances ,my native town had slightly different type of bhangra which would do men collectively in celebrations

  3. Didn't I read that the hula dance in Hawaii was first done by men also? I love this dance you have shown us here. I wish I could learn it!


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