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Before Search Engines


I came across this funny photo and it got me thinking. I remember using the card catalog when I was young, before personal computers. Below are some nostalgic photos I found about how it worked.

See if you can enlarge this photo. It's hard to see.


  1. Oh yes, card catalogues and library check-out cards -- I remember them well! And reading actual books. Now in research, everything is online.

  2. Oh, I remember those days very well! When I was a kid, we had a library about a block away from our home and I visited regularly. It was my favourite place!

  3. I too remember these days ...

    All the best Jan

  4. When I was in grad school the university library changed from Dewy system to Library of Congress system, and then they had to move books out of the reading rooms because the building was not designed to hold them. The Card Catalog then had a new location card added behind the author card. Finding books became a real treasure hunt.

  5. Ah, yes, I remember those days well! It's so much faster and easier nowadays :)


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