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Showing posts with the label Thoughts

Responses to "Thank You"

In response to "Thank You" I grew up with "You're Welcome".  But now I hear "No Problem" most of the time.  It seems a little strange to me.  Was there a problem possible? Does the response mean that the person prevented the problem you almost caused? "No worries" is a little like "no problem".  Was there something I should have been worried about? A possibility from English Language & Usage : "It was no problem for me to hold the door for you, because your ease of access is more important  than me getting to my car faster." Or Maybe "The main difference is that  you're welcome  is meant to be polite while  no problem  is meant to be friendly." I like this idea even though it's a bit hard to follow: "Based on the other answers it seems not everyone has the following connotations with both terms, but I would argue that "No problem" implies that you did something out of

National "Leon" Day June 25

I've never heard of this holiday before. I guess it makes sense for homemade crafts. Here's a quote from the site which explains it: NATIONAL LEON DAY National Leon Day marks June 25th as six months away from Christmas day.  Leon is Noel spelled backward and is a day some crafters begin planning their homemade gifts and decorations.  It can also be a day for those who miss the winter holidays to have a mini winter celebration in June. HOW TO OBSERVE:  Crafters, get your hot glue guns ready! Start planning your ugly sweaters now to beat the crowds! Use #NationalLeonDay to share on social media. NATIONAL LEON DAY HISTORY:  Within our research, we were unable to find the creator of National Leon Day.  Link:  NATIONAL LEON DAY – June 25 | National Day Calendar

Do It Tomorrow

Right now I'm trying Google Keep as my main to-do list but I'm going to also use an application I've tried before called "Do It (Tomorrow)". I have anxiety about missing out on something important and that's why I keep trying different to-do lists; hoping I'll find the perfect one.  There is no perfect to-do list for everyone.  We have to find what works for us. With Google Keep I'll separate my to-do lists from my list of projects.  Projects are made up of a collection of to-do items. I'm going to use "Do It (Tomorrow)" to help prevent a feeling of rushing myself. That rushed feeling interferes with my enjoying myself right this moment. Hopefully this combination of to-do list applications will be just what I need. If not I'll go to pencil and pad with Google Keep as a holding/organizing area. Oh no! Here I go again! This video explains the very easy "Do It (Tomorrow)" program. Notice the coffee stained pa

The Importance of Wasting Time

" At the end of the day, all of us have the urge to while away time flicking through a magazine, walking around the block, or simply doing nothing. We should embrace these moments, and see them as what they are: time well spent." From an interesting article, LINK: The psychological importance of wasting time — Quartz

Useful Advice on

Now that Wunderlist is going to be discontinued, I'm trying Google Keep. Besides saving notes, images and other things it can be used as a to-do list. I found a useful article about " How to Make Your To-Do List Doable". The link:  How to Make Your To-Do List Doable The article: There's no better feeling than checking something off your to-do list. Done! Finished! Mission accomplished! Yet it's so easy to let a whole day or week go by without knocking one task off your list. How does that happen? Well, your to-do list can be a tool that guides you through your work, or it can be a big fat pillar of undone time bombs taunting you and your unproductive inadequacy. It all depends on how you write it. Think of your to-do list as an instruction set your Boss self gives your Assistant self. Like a good computer program, if the instructions are clear, specific, and easily carried out, you're golden. If not, you'll get undesi

Trying Not To Be Overly Organized

I posted about getting organized before so maybe I'm just being obsessive and compulsive.  It's a little different now. Getting organized requires some time but time spent organizing is time spent not enjoying the present moment.  Why do I want to be organized? To have some control of my life but I believe that it's possible to control only about 30% of life. The rest depends on genetics, accidents, my decisions from the past, other people's action, etc. There will always be some anxiety if I dwell on it.  But I want to feel secure against complete disorder and confusion. If I'm not prepared something harmful may happen to me.  I don't want to miss out on something because I don't know what's happening. There is a need to ease my fear of not making the most of my life, of being disappointed. I want to avoid complications and confusion but too much organizing will actually result in more complication and confusion instead of less.  Ye

Our March Towards Peace?

Sorry for this emotional post but this idea has been on my mind for a while.  If it's too upsetting just skip it.    By now I imagined the world be at peace, using the fortune spent on warfare to improve everyone's life.  But it's worse than ever. Will there be a third world war? I remember what my uncle Ben told us. He believed that war was a way that nature used to stop overpopulation. Sounds strange doesn't it? But is war an inevitable uncontrollable force of evil? (Try full screen and more volume.) Is it hopeless?

A Quiet Wednesday

While eating breakfast I looked at my plans for the day.  There was probably too much to do today, nothing fantastic mostly just the ordinary chores. I made good progress in straightening out the laundry room.  My plan is to break the work up into thirty minutes a day.  After a month it should be great. While riding my exercise bike I watched the old movie The Third Man.  I only use the bike for about forty minutes and the movie is long so it will take about three days to watch it all.  It's a very interesting plot with great angled views and a need to pay close attention. Lynette called me in the middle of my routine because she saw six wild turkeys walking across our backyard.  When I got to the back door there were only four of them left, moving too quickly before I could grab my camera. Later I sat back in a chair, my mind lost in thought.  I felt a little sad but no big deal, probably just tired.  The first photo and the last show the pictures I took just for t

To-Do List or Calendar or Both or What?

I admit being a little obsessive about getting organized. Sometimes I spend more time getting organized than in actually doing much. Why? I fear missing out on something. I fear something harmful may happen if I'm not prepared. From Lost At Sea by Skye Taylor I want to have control of my life but I believe that only about 30% is actually under a person's control.  Most of life is like being at sea in a small sailboat tossed around by winds and waves. I want to avoid complications and confusion. But too much organizing will result in complication and confusion. Yet I find it in a way to be soothing even enjoyable. Maybe it's calming my anxiety by distracting me? It's possible that so much effort and time is a waste. Time spent organizing is time spent not enjoying the present moment. Any ideas about my "anxiety"? How do you get organized?

How Do You Like Your Toast?

From the site: I like mine light brown and crunchy on the outside with a thin line of softness in the center.    If it doesn't come out perfect I'll still eat it except if it's burnt black all the way through.  On occasion,  I've scraped away some of the black burnt layer before eating the toast but only if it was a very thin burnt area. White bread is the best even though it may not be the healthiest. A whole wheat multi grain bread with nuts also works but there's something special about white bread. I take two pieces of toast, layer them and cut diagonally to form triangular pieces.  Some pieces will have only butter while other pieces will have a layer of jam or preserves over the butter.  Different flavors of jam on each piece is best. With eggs I butter all the triangular pieces of toast, eat three with the eggs and save the last buttered piece for some jam.

This Week's Image

Here are some similar images and a short video. You may need to use full screen and louder volume.

I Don't Think So!

They charge more for these lights because they will save money from electric bills and last longer.  My experience with compact fluorescent light bulbs is very disappointing. I'm sure that it has not been 9 years. Now they are only a pailful of junk.  I have several still in use but I'm not sure when they will go dead. I'm now trying the LED lights.  I like the way they look and I hope they will last longer.

Spaced Out with Medication

This is the first day I'm changing medication for epilepsy.  I'm being weaned off of Vimpat 100 mg twice a day to Gabapentin 300 mg three times a day. It feels like I'm intoxicated; as if I drank half a bottle of wine, unsteady and tired.  It's not very pleasant. I'll still follow your blogs and try to post.     

This Week's Image

Modern David David by Michelangelo  It takes a lot of money to buy all the food needed to gain so much weight. Is it gluttony? or It can actually be a disease. " The  hormones  leptin, insulin, oestrogens, androgens and growth  hormone  influence our appetite, metabolism and body fat distribution. People who are  obese  have  hormone  levels that encourage the accumulation of body fat." Obesity and hormones - Better Health Channel But: Why does it seem that there are many more overweight people than in the past? Maybe: -High fat and sweet fast food restaurants? -Larger portions? -Advertisement? -Stress? Any Ideas?

This Medication Costs Too Much

I've been using the drug samples my doctor gave me.  The medication makes me feel tired and in a low mood most of the day.  I still do what I used to do but I need a short nap almost every day. I asked the pharmacist for only a fifteen day supply to make sure it agreed with me before buying a month's worth.  It was not something they usually stocked so I had my wife Lynette bring me back a few days later.  I still had some of the samples from the doctor. "Vimpat" is the name of the medication for seizures. For a fifteen day supply the price is $387, and that's with my insurance!  It would be almost $800 for a month's supply. The pharmacy aide asked if I still wanted to buy it.  I did not buy it. I left a message with my doctor's office.  There must be another medication that's affordable, maybe with milder side effects. The problem now is how will I taper off this medication and start on the new.  I have enough for five more da

This Week's Image

Your Thoughts? I have't posted much this week but I'm still following your blogs.  I'll post more with time and energy.

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