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Only Seasonal and Mold Allergies

  During this past month I've suffered from severe allergy symptoms.  It's never been this bad.  It's not just the pollen. I have a moldy basement due to water coming in when hurricane Sandy passed through my area. I have a constantly runny nose and itchy eyes. I feel like ripping my eyes from my face. I feel like my eardrums will pop leaving me deaf.  Sleep is difficult. I'm tired. I hired a contractor to clean up.  He's going to wash the walls with bleach to kill the mold.  Then he's going to use waterproof paint to seal the walls to keep the area dry. Everything in the basement must be removed so he get to the bare walls.  I put them into the finished off area of the basement. But when the unfinished part is disinfected, painted and sealed I must move everything into the unfinished area. In the finished area the wall paneling and carpet must be removed before he can work on it. The ceiling has to be tested too. I'm not sure about the furnitu

My First Tomato of 2013

It looks so inviting! On the vine. But when I turned it over it had a black spot.  Inside, most of it was also black.  I cut away the small good area to have a taste.  It was delicious! I've read that this could be due to a calcium deficiency but the timed released vegetable fertilizer contains calcium. Maybe it's due to being pressed against the nearby vine.  Hopefully the next tomato that ripens will turn out better. 

A Peaceful Moment With Wind Chimes

Vegetable Garden Progress June 2013

The tomatoes are getting tall, outgrowing their net! Here's a closeup of one of my cucumber plants. You can see a baby cucumber beginning to form.

The Maid of Amsterdam

Hummingbird with Robin Singing in the Background

This is the first time I've tried to upload a video from my own camera!  I wish my hands were not so unsteady.

My Mom & Dad

This is on the back of the photo. It's in Italian.  I can only make out a few words: _____this photograph____ _____see how beautiful____the sea? _____me and_____Laura (my mother's name)

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