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There Is Always One More Time

If your whole life somehow Wasn't much 'til now And you've almost lost Your will to live No matter what you've been through Long as there's breath in you There is always one more time And if your dreams go bad Every one that you've had That don't mean that some dreams Can't come true 'Cause it's funny about dreams As strange as it seems There is always one more time Oh turnin' corners Is only a state of mind Keeping your eyes closed Is worse than being blind If there's a heart out there Looking for someone to share I don't care if it's been Turned down time and time again And if we meet one day Please don't walk away 'Cause there is always one more time There is always one more time

Which Browser Do You Use?

I use both. Most of the time I use the Chrome browser because I'm used to it. It feels easier and faster. But when I want to be very private I use the Firefox browser.  I've read that Firefox does not make money by following where you browse while Chrome may. I use the Ghostery application on both browsers to see and control who's following me. I've noticed that sometimes when you block a follower a function on my weblog will stop working until I allow it to follow.  But at least I'll know about it. Ghostery Download Browser Extension | GHOSTERY I know there are many other browsers but I'm more familiar with these two. Which browsers do you like to use? Why?

Breezy June Day 2016

Backyard Video

I Hope This Tick Did Not Carry Lyme's Disease!

Early this morning Lynette called to me from upstairs so I could check the back of her neck near her hairline.  She felt something strange and wanted me to make sure it was not a tick. But it was a tick that had embedded itself under her skin. (The photo is not of Lynette.  It was taken from the web.) I put a little petroleum jelly over the tick as a sort of lubricant.  Then I carefully and gently pulled it off with a pair of tweezers. I used witch hazel to soothe the area then alcohol to disinfected it.  I'm sure it felt good to her, especially knowing that the tick was gone. Now I'll have to keep an eye on it for a while to make sure no bulls eye rash develops.  If it does we'll have to see a doctor to check it and maybe get a prescription for an antibiotic. Here's a video on how to remove a tick: I hope this information will help if it ever happens to you.

Garden & Clothespins June 2016

Instead of tying the plastic net to the wire fence I used clothespins.  At first it was an easy way out but when I thought about it, it just made sense.  Now I can easily remove the netting to take care of the tomato plant.  When the time comes it will be easier to pick the tomatoes. Hopefully the net should keep out deer and other animals. The two pumpkin plants are in the center, the ones from a pumpkin I just threw into the garden last Halloween.  Lynette thinned most of the plants to avoid crowding. She also planted the smaller sunflower plants from seeds.   Usually she takes care of our flowers, trees and bushes while I help a little. But she wanted to give me a hand with my project and I'm happy she did.     Some wild clover with imaginary turtle and snail guarding them.

Internet Connections

For some reason I pictured the internet as a modern wireless collection of computers somehow linked to each other in an almost spiritual way. But the internet is still partly connected by undersea cables, where telegraph cables were laid in 1854. From our homes the signals travel through wires where telephone lines were set up. "In describing the system of wires that comprises the Internet, Neal Stephenson once compared the earth to a computer motherboard .  From telephone poles suspending bundles of cable to signs posted warning of buried fiber optic lines, we are surrounded by evidence that at a basic level, the Internet is really just a spaghetti-work of really long wires . But what we see is just a small part of the physical makeup of the net. The rest of it can be found in the coldest depths of the ocean. Here are 10 things you might not know about the Internet’s system..."  Link: 10 Facts About the Internet's Undersea Cables | Mental Floss Here

It's a Small Car

It's called a Peel.  Watch the videos: I think it looks like a golf cart, even smaller. Easy to park but it has to be dangerous. Test Drive I'd rather ride a bicycle.

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