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Restarting My Blog Statistics

I was hoping to make a little money by joining Google AdSense. That was when I noticed I had an unbelievable number of views from Russia. As soon as I stopped putting AdSense ads on my blog the Russian views gradually declined until they stopped altogether. From Russia Date on left. # of views on right Now the statistics look more realistic even though I can't understand why France is so high. Something strange is going on.   The statistics are not real.   I'm finished with Adsense.  Besides, the blog looks better without ads. Maybe I'll also just stop looking at the statistics; but I'm curious. Do you have any thoughts?

Outdoor Clover Weed Now a Houseplant

It worked! I transplanted an outdoor clover weed into a flowerpot and brought it inside.  See how the three transplants spread out in an even almost  symmetrical way.  Below I played around with a side shoot image.

Kitchen Color Sketch Effect

The stove is reflected off the glass cover of a framed flower drawing. Here I was able to get a sharper image with the sacrifice of size. Finally the color sketch effect I made using an online editing site.

Road Kill Cafe

I forgot where I got this menu; silly but fun.

Apple Art

These apples are located in the town of Winchester, Virginia.   I found all of these photos on the web.  I've seen some of them in real life. This stethoscope apple is at the entrance to the medical center. Here's a List with Locations

Ancient Roman Battle Organization

I copied these notes from various Wikipedia articles and images from the web. Preparation for Battle  "Once the legion (about 3,000-6,000 men) had deployed on an operation, they would generally march to their objective. There were exceptions when the armies were transported by the Roman navy but even then in most instances this was followed by a march of several days or weeks. The approach to the battlefield was made in several columns, enhancing maneuver. Typically a strong vanguard preceded the main body, and included scouts, cavalry and light troops. A tribune or other officer often accompanied the vanguard to survey the terrain for possible camp locations. Flank and recon elements were also deployed to provide the usual covering security. Behind the vanguard came the main body of heavy infantry. Each legion marched as a distinct formation and was accompanied by its own baggage train. At the end of a day's march, the Romans would typically establish a strong field

Mysterious Old Street

Gubbio Umbria photo by Massimo This photo is haunting for me. The dark and light winding turns are mysterious. I found this photo on an Italian blog by Massimo.  The blog's last post was December 22, 2015.  I hope the site will be active again. Link:  Italian view Some information from the web: To the northeast of Perugia sits Gubbio one of the oldest towns in Umbria dating back to pre-Roman times. Located at the foot of Mount Ingino, many of Gubbio’s Roman sites are on the flat land below the slopes including the large, well preserved Roman Theater. When you enter the town of Gubbio you will be welcomed by a jumble of homes, many built in the 14th and 15th century by the towns wealthy merchants. The bronze Iguvine Tablets with inscriptions in ancient Umbrian, an extinct language, are located in Gubbio. 

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