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Garden Progress 2017

The plants are growing past the top screen! This is the top of the tomato plant.  I'm not going to trim it, want to see what happens next.  Will tomatoes grow on top of the screen? Here's another angle where you can see in the back row how the cucumber plants are also growing above the screen. Only one eggplant so far. The tomato plant is doing great.

Backyard Wasp Nest July 2017

This morning Lynette found this wasp nest. She was scared and I don't blame her. The way she described it at first, I thought there was something terribly wrong with the house. I wondered if something like part of the roof had caved in.     You can see the wasps going into and coming out of the nest. This looks like a very scary and unhappy face. Now we'll have to find someone to take down the nest. This is the first time such a large wasp nest was in our yard.

This Week's Image

From the Web

A Sailor Aint a Sailor Aint a Sailor Anymore.

Responses to "Thank You"

In response to "Thank You" I grew up with "You're Welcome".  But now I hear "No Problem" most of the time.  It seems a little strange to me.  Was there a problem possible? Does the response mean that the person prevented the problem you almost caused? "No worries" is a little like "no problem".  Was there something I should have been worried about? A possibility from English Language & Usage : "It was no problem for me to hold the door for you, because your ease of access is more important  than me getting to my car faster." Or Maybe "The main difference is that  you're welcome  is meant to be polite while  no problem  is meant to be friendly." I like this idea even though it's a bit hard to follow: "Based on the other answers it seems not everyone has the following connotations with both terms, but I would argue that "No problem" implies that you did something out of

This Week's Image

New Outdoor Lighting

Years ago I installed these types of lights myself but now I'm just not steady enough.  It's not worth it to take a chance on falling and injuring myself. The jobs were so small that I had trouble finding an electrician.  Thank goodness I know a dependable handyman.  He's very honest and does good work. The old post light was crooked and falling apart. Installing this motion detector security light over the garage is as easy as changing a light bulb.  But not for me. Frank the handyman estimated the job to cost about $100 if there were no problems.  He wound up charging me $75.  What an honest man.  He also took away a rotting wooden swing and patched a banister while he was here, no extra charge! This part of the house has two windows that are hidden from view.  I was able to put this light in myself.  There's no wiring. You just position it and plug it in. This bright light operates with a motion detector.  It makes it safer from a break in.  T

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