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Enjoy Thanksgiving 2017

Basement Project: Carpet Installed

It looks much better than a bare basement concrete floor.  The folded carpet is what was left over. Lynette said you can bind the edges to use it as an area rug.  Next the TV and furniture will be delivered but not until after Thanksgiving.  Here some heavy slate pieces are holding down the wooden trim until the glue dries. Today was a busy day; waiting for the carpet, taking the trash to the dump, calling Visa, calling the repair service for our microwave.  Thank goodness it's still under warranty.  I walked around the park and treated myself to an ice cream cone, piece of apple pie and a large ice  tea at McDonald's. The portions of pie and ice cream are small. 

"I Will Derive" A Nerdy Video Clip

I must have had something like this in school but I have no idea now.  I hope you enjoy the video. I found it on Miss Cellania's blog.

This Week's Image

Strange Canes

I was searching the web for a cane I might like. This is the cane left over from my back problems before surgery. It's very comfortable with its padded handle and stable enough to stand on its own,  But it will easily tip over if pushed. Here's a cane/seat: It might be okay for outdoor events but too bulky for ordinary use. A folding cane might be nice: But will it stay open? Gun cane?: This must be a joke. This sword cane is real.  Here's a video: It's too deadly for me.  I also found a stun gun cane and a blow dart cane.  Who knows what else is out there! I think I'll stick with my old trusty off set, cushioned handle, tripod tip cane.

I Did It Again!

I seem to fall every six months or so.  I'm hesitant to use a cane because it makes me feel so old.  But it's much better than losing my balance.  Maybe I can find a cane that looks good and not make me feel frail. Luckily it happened just as I got to the treatment center in the hospital.  A man and his daughter stopped and left their car to help me.  My glasses and cell phone were in the street. The nurses at the IVIG infusion area took me to the emergency room where a CT scan showed no broken skull where I landed on the back of my head.  My blood work was good. My IVIG treatment was rescheduled for tomorrow.  No luck having it cancelled for this month!

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