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Protected Under a Mother's Wings

From the Brazilian Blog: "Posts a Beira Mar" A true manifestation of a mother ...

New Wind Chime from Old and Broken Parts

Last year I put together a new wind chime from old broken ones.  It still is all in once piece and with a great sound.  Now I want to try to make another wind chime.  These old parts are not from broken wind chimes but from paint can openers, a chain, fishing line and what's left of an old metal decoration.  My Plan: The metal decoration is from an anemometer. It was only a decoration not an actual working instrument.  But the cups should still catch the wind and turn the wind chime. It will be suspended from a chain. The paint can openers will cause a twinkling sound as it spins. When the chain is twisted enough it will spin the chime in the opposite direction.  I can attach the paint can openers directly to the arms: Or I can use fishing line to let them swing: I'll let you know how it turns out later this week.


What To Do With My Novel (a mind map)

Click on image to enlarge. I'm sending queries to 27 more agents.  Then I'll go for self-publishing.  I might be better off with  self publishing after all.  It's just like a game that should not be taken too seriously.  

Freedom from Work

"On the one hand we love work for what it brings -- security, self-esteem, comforts, human contact, challenge.  On the other hand we resent it for what it demands of us -- the time we have to spend at it, the energy and freedom it seems to take from us. How many of us, if given the money we now receive from work, would still choose to spend our time in an office, a truck, a store, a print-shop or a coal-mine? The majority want what work gives, not the work itself. This new freedom requires a new kind of work -- work on ourselves. In this respect we have not reached the end of work at all. There has merely been a shift in the arena of work from outer to inner. A shift to the next phase in human evolution." ~Peter Russell,  Spirit of Now This is an interesting point of view.      But what about those who love their work?           Can you have it both ways?                Maybe only meaningful rewarding work? This is from a post on Spirit of Now blog.

Elephant Shadow

Mindfulness Quotes

(Image is from the web) Do we need to make a special effort to enjoy the blue sky? Do we have to practice to be able to enjoy it? No, we just enjoy it. Each second, Each minute of our lives can be like this. Wherever we are, any time, we have the capacity to enjoy the sunshine, the presence of each other, even the sensation of our breathing. We don’t need to go to China To enjoy the blue sky. We don’t have to travel into the future To enjoy our breathing We can be in touch with these things right now. ~Thich Nhat Hanh A child walks with its mother. It sees an oily rainbow On the road, a leaf, veined And dappled, on the path, A puddle full of clouds, A smiling dog, a cat That needs to be stroked, A builder’s van all a-rattle, A gentle robin. What did you see? ~Peter Gray I believe that only one person in a thousand knows  the trick of really living in the present.  Most of us spend 

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