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Tilt Table Test

I'm waiting for the results of this test. Here's an explanation I found on the web: "The tilt test is a test that assesses someone’s response to orthostatic stress. Orthostatic stress is the fancy medical term for standing upright. The tilt test is also known as a tilt table test because it involves being basically strapped to a table that can tilt to different angles. A lot of the interest in tilt table tests originated from the air force. Years ago it was reported that up to 25% of those in the air force would pass out if they were in a straight upright standing position for a prolonged period of time. It was known that the tilt test could induce passing out in a subset of people and so it became a tool with which to assess people at risk for this. Nowadays the tilt test is used widely to diagnose  syncope . Syncope is the medical term for passing out. In the tilt test, patients are strapped to a tilt table. It is basically a table capable of being swivele

National Pretzel Day

NATIONAL PRETZEL DAY "National Pretzel Day is observed annually on April 26.  A bag of nice crunchy, salty pretzels or a big, warm, soft, cinnamon pretzel is the question of the day.  Either one is an excellent choice. There are a few different accounts of the origin of the pretzel.  Most people agree that it does have a Christian background, and they were developed by the monks.  According to  The History of Science and Technology , in 610 AD, “an Italian monk invents pretzels as a reward to children who learn their prayers.  He calls the strips of baked dough, folded to resemble arms crossing the chest,  pretiola  (little rewards).” Another source puts the invention in a monastery in southern France. The looped pretzel may also be related to a Greek Ring bread from the communion bread used in monasteries a thousand years ago.  In the Catholic Church, pretzels had a religious significance for both ingredients and shape. The loops in pretzel may have served a practical

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Plain But Edible

I put two chicken cutlets in a pan with about a quarter cup of white wine. Then I added a pinch of thyme, sage and salt.  Into the oven at 325 degrees for about 45 minutes; it came out okay, nothing great but okay. The next day I put a left over cutlet on a roll with a large amount of mayonnaise. It tasted much better.  The mayonnaise is what did it.  Next time I'll try putting a heap of mayo on the chicken before cooking.  Do you think it will work or will the mayo burn it? 

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Jessica Jones

A different superhero  intended for adults,  not a story for kids.  When a tragedy puts an end to her short-lived career as a superhero, Jessica settles in New York City and opens her own detective agency, called Alias Investigations... Suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome,  Jessica wants to do good, but her primary interest isn't in saving the' getting through each day. (from Wikipedia) Use full screen and loud enough to enjoy. The series is on Netflix.

EMG Electromyography

I've had this test several times over the years and again last week. Here's an explanation on how it works.

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