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Showing posts from May 15, 2017

Do It Tomorrow

Right now I'm trying Google Keep as my main to-do list but I'm going to also use an application I've tried before called "Do It (Tomorrow)". I have anxiety about missing out on something important and that's why I keep trying different to-do lists; hoping I'll find the perfect one.  There is no perfect to-do list for everyone.  We have to find what works for us. With Google Keep I'll separate my to-do lists from my list of projects.  Projects are made up of a collection of to-do items. I'm going to use "Do It (Tomorrow)" to help prevent a feeling of rushing myself. That rushed feeling interferes with my enjoying myself right this moment. Hopefully this combination of to-do list applications will be just what I need. If not I'll go to pencil and pad with Google Keep as a holding/organizing area. Oh no! Here I go again! This video explains the very easy "Do It (Tomorrow)" program. Notice the coffee stained pa

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