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Showing posts from March 14, 2019

Touching Up an Old Family Photo

This is the original old Christmas dinner photo. My brother is on the left. I'm on the right and our parents are behind us.  I don't have Photoshop because it's a bit too expensive for what I'd use it for. I never learned too much about how to use the free GIMP.  So what I did was to use the photo editing tool that came with Windows 10,  and a few on line free editing programs like, Fotojet and BeFunky. I used them one after the other and it works. First I cropped the photo to eliminate some of the image  that I didn't want and make it sort of a portrait. Next I tried removing the old white specks that developed over the years.   I removed a great many of them, not perfect but very good. I also filtered in a sort of sepia color.  It helped hide the white spots and give the photo a warmer look. Finally I used a function to make it into a portrait shape.  I wanted to frame it as a 5x7 but the photo printing site said it would no

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