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Here, Now, Enjoy Life!

I've frequently heard that it's best to be aware of the present moment but sometimes it seems a little too difficult to remember.  When I do remember, I feel so alive.  Life turns into a sort of "High Definition" experience. To help me remember I wrote "Here, Now, Enjoy Life" on an index card and set it on my desktop. I made up a simple brief mind map. It is impossible for anyone to be happy all the time.  Life can be hard.  But it is a very interesting concept, even though I only remember to do it about ten percent of the time.

Surprising Men's Room Tiles

While waiting for the oil change on my car I took a walk and found an interesting sandwich shop.  My roast beef sandwich was good.  My big surprise was when I visited the restroom. I can't take credit for these photographs which I downloaded from the web. I don't think the ladies room has any tiles like this.

National Cold Cuts Day March 3

Remember this commercial? I wonder what he's doing now. I haven't eaten baloney for decades.  It may not be too healthy but I want to buy some just for the memories.

Leap Second

I learned about this several years ago but forgot all about it.  It seems strange but with our precise computers it does make sense.

I Replaced My Plastic Garbage Cans

Just a quiet Sunday.  I was able to replace two old plastic garbage cans with a brand new metal can.  I went with metal this time because rodents got into the plastic cans, chewed through the plastic bags and ate some of what scraps of food were left. I cleaned up the plastic garbage cans and put one in the storage area of the basement.  I put the other one near my workbench.  The lids were too damaged to save.

Walking Extra Two minutes Each Hour May Offset Hazards Of Sitting Too Long

He re's some healthy advice I came across suggesting that walking for an extra two minutes each hour may help prolong life. This is what I'm trying.  I have a small kitchen timer which I set for 1 hour.  When it goes off I set it for 2 minutes and walk around the rooms in my house. L inks: Walking Extra Two minutes Each Hour May Offset Hazards Of Sitting Too Long : Health : Headlines & Global News Walking an extra two minutes each hour may offset hazards of sitting too long -- ScienceDaily

Last Night I Fell

Last night I fell in the garage when I got home from my immune globulin treatment for my CIDP condition. I don't remember falling but I do remember losing my balance then the concrete floor seemed to come up and hit me in the nose.  Very strange, it must have been a delusion. "Okay I guess this is how it's going to end," I thought. Lynette helped me blot up the blood.  I was a bit queasy when I went inside the house to check the damage.  I couldn't tell if I broke my nose and my wrist. The left side of my face hurt.  It felt like a toothache from the molars to my front teeth but the teeth were not broken. Lynette insisted we go to the ER instead of the local clinic. At the ER I didn't have to wait long and the CT scan showed no broken skull or brain injury. My nose and wrists where not broken.  My forehead and bridge of my nose were torn up and there's a crease where my glasses were pressed into the top of my nose. I'm grateful that it wa

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